Quartz Powder And Its Various Uses

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Quartz is a gemstone and yet it is not rare. It has multiple functionalities when we talk about industrial purposes. Quartz even in its powdered is always in demand because of its various uses in various fields. At Palash Exports, we are one of the most prominent....

Quartz is a gemstone and yet it is not rare. It has multiple functionalities when we talk about industrial purposes. Quartz even in its powdered is always in demand because of its various uses in various fields. At Palash Exports, we are one of the most prominent Quartz Powder manufacturers in India and are also responsible for supplying and delivering ourselves.

  • Electronic industry - One of the most important uses of Quartz is in the Electronic industry. Within electronic items such as mobile phones, tablets, and laptops there is a dire for a constant current flow. Quartz because of its piezoelectric properties is widely used in most of these items. What is piezoelectric then? It is the property of any material to give out an electric charge when exposed to mechanical pressure. Apart from its piezoelectric properties, Quartz has also shown reverse piezoelectric properties according to which it starts to vibrate when exposed to electric charge. For the aforementioned reasons quartz is utilized to manufacture most of our electronics as well as Television receivers and watches.

  • Glass Manufacturing - Quartz crystal is made up of silica and silica is the building block of any type of glass. Also, crystals are hard and dense in nature because of which, they can be used in the glass industry. Quartz in itself can’t be used to make glasses but with a lot of procedures and after removing the impurities from the raw material it becomes usable.

  • Brick Production - Bricks need to have high tensile strength as the weight of an entire building, the furniture and the people in it are dependent on it. And quartz is one of the toughest and sturdiest materials present in nature. It has gemstone properties that give it an edge over other stones. Because of its properties, Quartz powder can be used in the making of bricks so as to give it its strength and longevity. It also protects the building from water and makes it damp resistant.

  • Cement Industry - Cement production is one of the biggest emitters of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, second only to transportation and aviation. Although transportation always had the opportunity to go electric Cement industry always lacked the alternative. With the growing population of the earth, the requirement for cement and concrete also increases, and quartz gave the opportunity for cement production without harming the environment. Quartz these days is widely used in the production of concrete and cement given its strength and water-resistant properties.

  • Stone Cutting - A tough stone is required to cut open another. Quarts crystal rates 7 in the Moh’s hardness scale. A stone with high tensile strength and toughness can always be used in digging and cutting when it came to mining and construction. Quartz powder is also very rough and abrasive so it can be used in sandpapers and grinding stones.

  • Solar Panels- Quartz increases the efficiency of the solar panel as it helps increase the amount of energy produced within a single day of sunshine. The panels are made to directly face the sun and are always exposed to the blistering sun at all times during the day. Thus these panels require a material that doesn't malfunction when exposed to a long duration of heat. Quartz is stable, transmits light efficiently, and is heat resistant, all of which make it one of the most important components in a solar panel.

  • Palash Exports is a name that has quite a reputation in the industry. We manufacture and supply ourselves and cater to every demand of our clients. In return, we received their loyalty and devotion. At Palash Exports we strive for perfection.

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